Silent Mercy

🇱🇹 Organizacija “Tylusis gailestingumas” įkurta 2022 metų Spalio mėn. Mūsų tikslas padėti visiems, kuriems reikalinga pagalba, įpatygai senjorams. Padėti buitinėje kasdienybėje, suteikti financinę pagalbą ir padėti apsirūpinti pragyvenimui būtinais reikmenimis, bei suteikti turiningą ir naudingą laisvalaikį. Mūsų galutinis tikslas įkurti “Tyliojo Gailestigumo” namus senjorams ir aprūpinti juos visaverčiu gyvenimu.

Deimantė Komskienė – pirmininkė;


🇺🇸 Silent Mercy was founded in October 2022, its mission is to provide essential services and support to individuals in need, including shelter, food, financial assistance, and companionship. We strive to create a welcoming and supportive community where everyone has access to basic needs and the resources necessary to thrive. Our goal is to empower individuals to improve their overall well-being, while also fostering a sense of connection and belonging. We believe that by working together and supporting one another, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need. Our ultimate goal is to establish a “Silent Mercy” senior living facility.

Deimante Komskiene – President
